留学生写作主题分享 65个有用的Discursive Essay主题


在撰写论述性文章时,您需要讨论争议或问题。 您应该在本文中进行平衡的讨论。 您必须选择一个主题,该主题将使您有机会讨论“赞成”和“反对”论点。


Life in North Korea
Is it time to ban death penalty?
Should gay marriage be legalised in every nation?
Is it necessary to have uniforms in schools?
Are prisons too crowded?
Social media- a blessing or a curse?
Should everybody turn vegan?
Women’s rights and the effectiveness of the relevant movements
Fasting and its benefits: Discuss.
Freedom of speech around the world
Is technology damaging our social life and disrupting our family time?
Should world leaders use chemical weapons while at war?
Sex education in school
Use of Nuclear weapons in case of foreign attacks
Should yearly competency test be made compulsory for teachers?
Is control on gun ownership necessary in the United States?
The effect of video games on impressionable children
TV reality shows are harmful. Discuss
Should bicycles take the place of cars?
Can film stars be a role model for the present generation?
Every immigrant must know how to speak English
Did the human medical experiments conducted by the Nazis have any positive effect?
The contribution of Smartphones to the society
Should every country allow euthanasia?
Can animal experiments be accepted under any circumstance?
Which is worse- Blue collar or White collar crimes?
Should health care and education be free in every nation?
Are sugar substitutes a healthy option?
The legalisation of marijuana in every nation
Books are always better than movies
Should religious studies be mandatory in schools?
Is it necessary to have a particular law for the internet trollers who bully or harass people?
Why should it be mandatory for the poorest to pay taxes?
The effect of sports on crimes
Making recycling mandatory for everyone
Stricter laws should be there for those who abuse or abandon their pets
Are women paid equal to their male counterparts?
Are actors and sportsmen paid excessively?
Should the drinking age be reduced?
Is deforestation necessary?
Hunting- good or bad?
Should every country spend less money on military and more on science?
Every educational institution should have smart classrooms
Child molesters should be hanged to death
One should always tell the truth
Is government surveillance justified?
Is there any relation between behaviour problems and violent video games?
Grades cannot evaluate a child’s learning progress
Is selfishness a normal human behaviour?
Are steroids good for our body?
Overuse of the internet is causing harm to children. Discuss.
The pros and cons of globalisation
Are we dependent on the internet?
Legalising abortion everywhere- pros and cons
The quality of movies has degraded from the yesteryears
Should more privacy rights be given to celebrities?
The good and bad sides of beauty pageants
Do cross-cultural marriages have a positive effect on racial tolerance?
Safety of online dating
Is it necessary to have eight hours of sleep every day?
Self-driving vehicles – dangerous or beneficial?
Use of drones- does it violate people’s privacy?
Can energy drinks be dangerous for under-aged people?
Is it necessary to have a religion?
Are corporate employees nothing but modern forms of slaves?