美国留学生作业代写 经济学人

2016年9月,《经济学人》(The Economist)发表了一篇文章,其中有两点提到了写字的教学。一个是对“共同核心”课程的反应,该课程要求只有在幼儿园和一年级才教易读的笔迹。在以后的年级中,采用和强调的只是键盘技能的教学。另一个原因是,雇主希望雇佣能够使用手写识别软件快速、清晰地书写草书的新员工。这个软件允许更快地收集和分发信息,似乎渲染基于屏幕的虚拟键盘无效。此外,许多员工的流动性比在办公室更强,他们正在使用智能手机和平板电脑等技术,取代笔记本电脑和打字机。正如在同一篇文章中提到的,许多学校董事会已经开始回归到基本的,包括花时间学习手写。包括加利福尼亚、马萨诸塞和北卡罗莱纳在内的超过六个州已经在他们的公立学校强制推行了草书教学。更多的州正在讨论类似的措施。草书对学生有很多好处。书写有助于协调和精细的运动技能。威廉·r·克莱姆在《今日心理学》的一篇文章中写道:“大多数父母在教孩子投球和接球时都会注意到这一点。想想在学习过程中大脑中发生了什么。大脑正在创造新的回路来评估所看到的东西,所看到的东西的速度,所需要的运动,以及运动的速度和时间。这个回路成为大脑中持久的一部分。书写也是如此。每个字母的手眼协调是不同的,书写时的动作也是不同的。手写更有挑战性,因为学生要连续的笔画,而不是单一的笔画打印。因为草书的字母比印刷体的更清晰,学生可以更容易地学习阅读。

美国留学生作业代写 经济学人

In an article written in The Economist in September 2016, there were two points that have drawn the teaching of penmanship back into mention. One is the reaction to the Common Core curriculum requiring legible handwriting to be taught only in kindergarten and first-grade. In the proceeding grades and on, the adoption and emphasis are on teaching keyboarding skills only. The other is that Employers are looking to hire new staff that has the ability to write quickly and legibly in cursive, employing the use of software for handwriting recognition. This software allows for the gathering and distribution of information much quicker, seemingly rendering screen-based virtual keyboards ineffective. In addition, many workers are more mobile than office-based and are using technologies such as smartphones and tablets, replacing laptops and typewriters. As mentioned in the same article, a number of school boards have started a move towards a returning to the basics including time spent learning longhand. More than half a dozen states including California, Massachusetts, and North Carolina have made teaching cursive handwriting mandatory in their public schools. More states are currently discussing similar measures.Cursive handwriting has many benefits to students. Handwriting helps with coordination and fine motor skills. William R. Klemm states in an article in Psychology Today, “Most parents observe this when teaching a child to throw and catch a ball. Think about what is going on in the brain as such learning progresses. The brain is creating new circuitry to evaluate what is seen, the speed of what is seen, the movements required, and the speed and timing of movements. This circuitry becomes a lasting part of the brain.”This is also true with handwriting. The hand-eye coordination is different for every letter and the movements are variable when writing. Handwriting is more challenging, as the student is making continuous strokes opposed to the single strokes of printing. Students may learn to read more easily as letters in cursive are more distinct than printed.