美国社会学essay代写 公共援助项目

我支持帮助有需要的人,但反对资助懒惰的人。他说:“美国公民和非公民都有各种各样的公共援助项目,可以直接在网上申请政府援助,也就是福利。低收入人群常用的两种补充营养计划是妇女、婴儿和儿童和食品券计划,也称为补充营养援助计划。孕妇、哺乳期妇女和五岁以下儿童通常使用WIC。每个美国人的奋斗方式都不一样,无论是精神上的、身体上的还是经济上的。SNAP计划应该被WIC计划的更新版本所取代,因为SNAP的好处很容易被利用。SNAP福利每月通过EBT卡发放,然后像借记卡一样刷卡,用于购买食品杂货。截至去年9月,超过4,210万户家庭通过SNAP获得了援助。SNAP的平均家庭支出为每月245美元。到月底,总支出超过48亿美元。罗森鲍姆表示,“92%的福利流向了现金收入在贫困线或以下的家庭,56%流向了贫困线或以下的家庭(2019年,一个三口之家的收入约为10390美元)。”最需要的家庭得到的福利最多,接近SNAP的70%”(Rosenbaum 2019)。在研究SNAP时,它是一个完美的程序,旨在帮助有需要的人。

美国社会学essay代写 公共援助项目

I support helping the needy, but I oppose funding the lazy.” There is a wide variety of public assistance programs available for people in the U.S. Citizens and non-citizens, can directly apply online for government support, also known as welfare. Two commonly used supplemental nutrition programs used by people with low-income are WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) and Food Stamps, also known as Snap (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). WIC is commonly getting used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children under the age of five. Every American struggle in a different way, whether it is mentally, physically, or financially. The SNAP program should be replaced with an updated version of the WIC program because SNAP benefits are easily getting taken for advantage.SNAP benefits are sent out every month through EBT cards, then are swiped like a debit card, to buy groceries. As of September, of last year, over 42.1 million households were receiving assistance through SNAP. The average SNAP household payout is $245 per month. By the end of the month, the total payout is over 4.8 billion dollars. Rosenbaum stated that “92 percent of benefits go to households with cash incomes at or below the poverty line, and 56 percent go to households at or below half of the poverty line (about $10,390 for a family of three in 2019). Families with the greatest need receive the largest benefits, close to 70 percent of SNAP” (Rosenbaum 2019). While researching SNAP, it comes off as a perfect program, set out to help people in need.

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