Personal History Statement个人历史陈述写作指南及范文

留学文书我们绝大部分同学都应该知道,但是除了已知的PS和SOP以外,还有另一种形式,PHS(Personal History Statement),有些院校会让学生写这种类型的申请文书,同学们首先是一脸懵逼,接着是抓耳挠腮,最后是绝望,为了能够解决各位同学的问题,今天小编会给大家讲解一下Personal History Statement个人历史陈述如何去写。




1.认识PHS(Personal History Statement)




  1. PHS和其他申请文书的区别




  • 写作分析


  1. 回顾你的个人经历并总结




  1. 最后的个人计划及规划




  • 写作引导


  1. 语言精练




  1. 充分了解撰写PHS的初衷




  1. 不要迷信各类申请文书的模板




  • 范例展示




Part1. 展示了申请者本人父亲的经历



Part2. 描述了申请父亲经历对自己所产生的影响



Part3. 描述了申请本人的父亲教会了申请者本人什么道理以及这个道理对于其产生了怎样后续的影响



Part4. 阐述了申请者本人对于未来的计划以及与自己的父亲在一块都做了哪些事情






My father grew up in a very poor village, and his family was almost robbed during the Great Cultural Revolution, the most insane period in China. He walked to take college entrance examination alone, wearing a patchy pant. People laughed at him about his unrealistic. Several weeks later, my father became the first university student in his village.

What my father experienced has a great influence on me. He makes me believe the power of self-belief. Unlike many girls, I am determined to pursue what I like and make it come true. For example, I was the first one in my stringent high school to arrange boys and girls to dance together, the first one to beat boys in the tennis court, and the first one to travel to many places in China, Japan, Thailand, Europe and the United States. Most importantly, because I live in Nanjing, where Nanking Massacre happened in 1937, I did a lot of research about the history of China and Japan. I organized students at my university to visit martyrs cemetery from time to time, to inform the new generation to cherish for what we have today and make our contribution to make this world a better and more peaceful place.

Besides, my father always tells me that we should treat everyone equally and help others as much as we can. At my university, there was one girl who acted strangely and had no friends. Everyone said she was creepy. However, I knew, and I could clearly see that she need a friend and love. So no matter how other people judged her and even me, I became the first one to talk to her and have lunch with her. I wanted to prove that everyone has some ice points that were kept to themselves, but love and trust can warm them. I tried my best to let others know that this girl was one of us, and we should not treat her like a stranger. Gradually, this girl had more friends. Nowadays, her smile and laughter is everywhere now. When I talked to her now, I can see the confidence and even gratitude through her eyes. It can not better to change another’s life by what I have done, and I will continue to maximize my influence, to make more people smile.

My father and I always devotes to reaching out to many poor families in rural areas of China, where people can not afford their children to colleges. Starting from high school, I have been calling for the friends around me to write letters to students in rural and western part of China. I hope it can instill the students in those areas with hope and encouragement. Once upon a time, a girl named Sajier from Tibet mailed me a scarf made by herself. I was amazed at the pattern, through which I could feel the beauty, purification and divine of the people in the far away place. I felt that there was a fire burning inside me and a sound lingering in my ear. I strongly felt that I had the responsibility to bring such a beautiful pattern to the world and let more people know about this amazing beauty. This idea, with my past experience in my father’s fabric manufacturing company and engineering projects, supports me to pursue higher education in the United States. I hope by further study, I can have a more accurate and practical plan about approaches technology and fashion, and create a more innovative business model to establish the digital platform.