美国paper代写 Intention和Intent有什么区别?



Intention和intent这两个字都暗示想要执行某项预期行动的决心与态度。Intention通常是指「心中想做或想实现的事」,有时甚至表示,该项行动可能不会实现或没被执行。举例来说,若发话者的句子开头是「I had every intention of…」,那么无论句子后面接的是什么,听者都已经明白后续内容的主旨与态度,即发话者心中想要完成却尚未实现的某事。

相较之下,intent代表集中意志、动机积极的状况下来实现某项预期行动的心理状态。举例来说,「They were rushing upon the old peasant with no very merciful intent .」。换言之,intent通常进一步表示,某项预期行动已经实现或将要被执行。正因如此,intent才会在以下这类句子中出现:「He who wounds with intent to kill … shall be tried as if he had succeeded.」(伤害他人并意图致死者……将视为谋杀进行审判。 )因此,现今intent通常出现在法律用语中,大家也完全了解intent在这类语境下的意涵。


综上所述,intention通常只表示达成某事的野心,但intent指的是除了有野心之外还付诸行动来实际达成那件事。这两个单字经常会连接不同的介系词,由此可窥知其中差异:intention后面经常接to(相关概念为「to -do list」待办清单)或of;而intent连接的介系词为on或upon。


在医学脉络中,有「intent-to-treat analysis」和「intention-to-treat analysis」,两者皆译为治疗意向分析法,此专有名词的意思是指研究结果分析应包含原先列入研究之所有对象之结果,不论其最后是否背离原始之分组治疗模式,这些背离的个案仍可能会影响各组之结果,但此种方式保留了随机取样之精神,且其结果较可能代表在原始设计情况下,病人接受某种治疗之真正的效度。然而,考量到intent的负面含意,「intention-to-treat」可能更加适合且贴切。



  • I went to the bank with the intention of opening a bank account, but I forgot to take my passport, so I couldn’t even do that.
  • He announced his intention to marry.
  • It was not my intention to hurt your feelings.
  • I had every intention to pay my bills yesterday.


  • He was carrying a gun with intent to commit a bank robbery.
  • …the clear intent of the court’s ruling…
  • Moscow’s intent is to exploit the riches and technology of the West.
  • The prosecutor needs to demonstrate criminal intent .
  • She was intent on becoming an actress, so she went to drama school even though it was against her parents’ wishes.